Laughter is a great thing — that’s why we’ve all heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease.
Laughter is the physiological response to humor by definition. Laughter consists of two parts — a set of gestures and the production of a sound. When we laugh, the brain pressures us to conduct both activities simultaneously. When we laugh heartily, changes occur in many parts of the body. Muscles tighten, organs shift and change, your arms and legs go haywire…it’s just a complete and crazy package of fun for your entire being!
Cool fact: The physiological study of laughter has its own name — gelotology.
The average adult laughs 17 times each day! That’s good…do you laugh this much?
Laughter stimulates your organs and lightens the load of stress. It may not cure everything, but it sure does make the day seem more manageable. “Lighten Up” or “Lighten the Load” whatever it takes, find pleasure and let yourself giggle; it just feels good. Laughter is also contagious, like yawning! Have you ever played a good game of “HA”?
I laugh uncontrollably when I am very nervous…can’t help it. Stress reliever I guess.
Bla bla knowledge: Stress is tied to a release of hormones called cortisol which actually slow the metabolism down and lead to weight gain. Oftentimes, over a long periods of stress, too much of this hormone hangs around and causes weight as a result. Suppressing your appetite at first from stress, but then surging cortisol makes you hungrier then normal- most of the time we refer to this response as emotional eating.
Being social & laughing is a powerful stress reliever. The physical benefits of the laughter are truly great medicine. Hang out with a friend, be silly and tell jokes instead of swapping “Woe is me” stories, and I guarantee you’ll feel better then you have all day! Put it on the ‘to do list’: Make a date with 2 friends at the coffee shop and have each one show up with 3 new jokes to tell!
Let me know how it goes! Be happy in forward motion!
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