In the spirit of forward motion and the desire to “open the door” for discussion of health risks, there has been a new page added to this blog about Body Weight. You will find information about Body Mass and Body Composition on this page. Beginning to understand the spirit of wellness in forward motion, there is a need to embrace the lifestyle health risks associated with higher body weight. It is a very touchy subject to many people, but I often find that understanding our lifestyles will help us “own” the risks associated with them. Too much weight is directly linked as a major health risk associated with coronary diseases like Atherosclerosis and Type 2 Diabetes. We cannot help our age or our gender as risks, but we can control our lifestyle diet and activity levels so that these diseases do not have “early onset” symptoms.
We can break the barrier of embarrassment about weight through education as it relates to the risks and empowering others to regain control!
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